Acupuncture Points for Athlete’s foot (Japanese Acupuncture)

Athlete's foot Acupuncture Points

Athlete’s foot Acupuncture Points

Acu Points for Athlete’s foot

For Athlete’s foot, Moxibustion can be used directly in the affected area.

Use points of SP-6(三陰交)、GB-39(懸鐘)、ST-41(解谿), to stop the spread of this infection.

Acu-points for Athlete's foot1  Acu-points for Athlete's foot2

Acu-points for Athlete's foot3

SP-6 : Inner side of the lower leg, from the end of the ball of the hard lump of the ankle take four fingers upward. The place where it pushes at and a finger becomes depressed.

GB-39 : Outer side of the lower leg, four fingers up from the lump of the ankle.

The points are suitable for moxibustion.


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LI-4 合谷

Large Intestine (LI) Meridian and Acu points

Large Intestine Meridian(LI) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手陽明大腸経

LR-13 章門

Liver Meridian (LR) and Acu points

Liver Meridian(LR) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足厥陰肝経

ST-1 承泣

Stomach Meridians (ST) and Acu points

Stomach Meridian(ST) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足陽明胃経

SP-11 箕門

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian(SP) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陰脾経

TE-17 翳風

Triple Energizer Meridian (TE) and Acu points

Triple Energizer Meridian(TE) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 正経十二経 – 手少陽三焦経

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