Acupuncture Points for Allergies (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Allergies (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture for Allergies

For Allergies use points Reveresed ST44(裏内庭) and GV14(大椎).

Acupoints for Allergies1

Reveresed ST44 is located in the sole.
Make a triangle. The base of the middle finger should be the base side of triangle.
The vertex of this triangle is Reversed ST44.

Acupoints for Allergies2

GV14 is located in your back.

When you rotate your head slightly flexed, the most prominent cervical vertebra is C7 and GV14 is just underneath C7.

The points are suitable for moxibustion.


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Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) and Acu points

Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) and Acu points

Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) 任脈

Liver Meridian (LR) and Acu points

Liver Meridian (LR) and Acu points

Liver Meridian(LR) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足厥陰肝経

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) and Acu points

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) and Acu points

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) 足少陽胆経

Large Intestine (LI) Meridian and Acu points

Large Intestine (LI) Meridian and Acu points

Large Intestine Meridian(LI) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手陽明大腸経

Stomach Meridians (ST) and Acu points

Stomach Meridians (ST) and Acu points

Stomach Meridian(ST) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足陽明胃経

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