Acupuncture Points for Numbness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Numbness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Numbness Acupuncture Points

Acu Points for Numbness

For Numbness,
use points of BL-17(膈兪) = especially for the numbness towards
arms and fingers, and BL-25(大腸兪) = especially for
the numbness towards legs and feets.

Also, SI3(後渓)is called “Stop point” and a good point for prevention of the numbness.

Acu-points for Numbness1   Acu-points for Numbness2

The points are suitable for moxibustion.


Acupuncture Points for Goiter (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Goiter (Japanese Acupuncture)

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Acupuncture Points for Testicle swelling and pain (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Testicle swelling and pain (Japanese Acupuncture)

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Acupuncture Points for Benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) – Japanese Acupuncture

Acupuncture Points for Benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) – Japanese Acupuncture

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Acupuncture Points for Coughs (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Coughs (Japanese Acupuncture)

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Acupuncture Points for Stiff Neck (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Stiff Neck (Japanese Acupuncture)

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Bladder Meridians (BL) and Acu points

Bladder Meridians (BL) and Acu points

Bladder Meridian(BL) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陽膀胱経

Governor Vessel Meridian(GV) and Acu points

Governor Vessel Meridian(GV) and Acu points

Governor Vessel Meridian(GV) 督脈

Kidney Meridian (KI) and Acu points

Kidney Meridian (KI) and Acu points

Kidney Meridian(KI) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手少陰腎経

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) and Acu points

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) and Acu points

Gallbladder Meridian(GB) 足少陽胆経

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian(SP) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陰脾経

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